Mosquito - The Tragic Hero!

(This is a reproduction of an earlier article written by me on June 25, 1998 when I was in Kochi, Kerala.  Have made a few additions and deletions from the "original.")

Come evening and the atmosphere is buzzing with 4-track sterophonic surround sound.  Amazing capability of such a small being.  They occur in numerous varieties.  Some are minute while others are "monstrous."  But morphologically they are very similar.

Two strong, light wings, two small forelegs and two long hind legs, two small eyes, somewhat round head, a cylindrical abdomen and the most important a sharp pointed proboscis.  This is all what makes Monsieur Mosquito a dangerous customer.

Mr. Mostquito is very powerful and can carry millions of germs, especailly viruses.  They are helpful in spreading malaria, filaria, etc. which can take the form of epidemics.

But mosquitos have to fight hard to survive.  Their biggest host as well as enemy is the man.  These vampires swoop down from heavens on the poor people enjoying a good night's sleep.  But man is not far behind.  He has developed several means to combat these devils, but Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest and evolution of new species has been an obstacle to man's endeavour.  Thus the war between man and "beast" continues.  Man is surely irritated by these minute beings and crushes them with hardly any mercy.

I would, however, want to bring your attention to a completely new possibilty where it can be used as a potent weapon - a true biological weapon (if I can say so).  India surely has enough of the this raw material and I am sure our scientfic brains together can formulate an indigenous weapon for biological warfare using the mosquitos.  I am sure that apart from the African nations, no one would be able to match with such weapons of mass destruction.  I am sure Noah too had this in mind when he surely had a chance to wipe them off the face of the earth with only 2 mosquitos on his Ark!   I am sure the time is not far when one of the "geniuses" finds a way to utilize this superpower and ensure that India truly becomes a world superpower (it seems Nostradamus too has predicted the same!).

Next time when you pick up a coil or an electric bat to crush the mosquito, do give a thought on my suggestion.  I am sure most of you will feel let down by my thoughts but you will need to grow out of your narrow mindedness and think on the larger national interests....oops! I am starting to sound like a politician.  Guess what would be my election symbol !!


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