Beauty Contest (Translated from the Hindi poem “Soundarya Pratiyogita” by Shri. Nagarjuna)

A fish from Ganga
And a fish from Yamuna
Were friends very close
They lived together all day long
And swam far from their home.

Once it happened so
The fire of competition flared in both
- I’m pretty, Oh! I’m pretty.
They fought all day long in vain
And saw a turtle lying in the sand
Enjoying the winter’s Sun

The fish went near him, greeted and said,
Who of us is prettier than the other?
They steady minded learned turtle
Shaking his head said –
O! fish from Ganga you’re pretty
O! fish from Yamuna you too are pretty
Both of your claims is valid.

Hearing this they shouted in disgust
- Did we fight all day in vain?
Tell us clearly justice favors whom?

Shall I disclose the truth?
Asked the aged turtle shaking his neck.
- You’re pretty fish from Ganga
- You’re pretty fish from Yamuna
But in comparison to you both
I’m the one who is more prettier

Look at my soft flexible glass like neck
Look at my back like a banyan tree
Look at my eyes like glittering gems
Have you seen such beauty before?
Come here; come close to me
Do not be afraid

Hearing this the fish disappeared
Into the depths of the river
And the golden words of the learned saint
Remained unspoken.

Translated on October 15, 1996


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